What you know vs. The unknown

The other day the heat of NYC was starting to strangle me so I went into a pharmacy in search of a water bottle. While in the aisle of all the water bottles I started searching for the most affordable options. After surveying everything it was narrowed down to Poland Spring for $1.99 or Just Water for $1.49. Clearly Just Water was cheaper BUT it wasn’t as familiar to me compared to Poland Spring. I found myself having a mental debate on which one to choose. “I’ve known Poland Spring for a long time and I mean it’s only 50 cents more.” Then the other voice comes in and said “Yeah but Just Water is $1.49, if you came here for the cheapest option stick to that, who cares if you don’t really know this brand all the more reason to try it out.” I am now standing in the aisle with the refrigerator door open just staring and internally debating, so lost in my own thought.  A voice quickly intercepts and asks to reach across me to get some water. I come back to earth, apologize and slightly move over. As I observe the person grab their water, they reach for none other than Poland Spring. Now the first voice starts talking again “You see! Girl just take the Poland Spring. You can trust this one.” I go to reach for it and just as I thought my mind was made up the other voice drops in “ Sheyla, you are aware that some of these big corporations you put so much trust in do not always do right by the people and we all continue to consume their products. It’s important to give new things a chance especially if their promoting conscious business.” SOLD. Like an auction, I put the highest bid on that concept and confidently went to the register and paid for my very first bottle of Just Water. Once out of the store, my dehydration becomes very apparent, since I wasted so much time debating, I quickly crack open the bottle and take a sip. In that moment I realized that it simply tastes JUST like WATER! I say all this to bring attention to the fact that it doesn’t hurt to stray away from the things that have become familiar and apart of our routine to try something new. You might be missing out from something that could ultimately be a better option for your very unique self. 

Hope you enjoyed your weekly dose of Vitamins!

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