What Life is really like for a Curvy Woman.
Society has progressed in various social aspects, body image being one of them. While this is a positive thing, I believe we need to highlight the aspects of society that is still (very) behind on it’s views and beliefs on women of bigger sizes. On this episode I discuss how fed up I am with the fact that the women in the curvy community are still treated differently by medical “professionals”, men in the dating scene and even by our own (ignorant) family members. Just because a woman is curvy/bigger does not mean she is unhealthy, a sexual object or should seriously consider doing something about her size.
This episode is a bit of a rant but as always I aim to use my experience to help others feel less alone and to give you guidance if you’re living under similar circumstances. In order to make real changes on how we are seen, it is time we speak up against the unsubstantial voices that try to make us feel so different without having enough information/credibility to make such conclusions. If you’re anything like me, someone who has battled with weight your entire life or frequently fluctuate in sizes, I urge you to love yourself no matter the season. Who you are is worth a lot more than what you look like and do not surround yourself by people who do not think the same. With that being said I hope you enjoy todays episode/rant and are able to woosah after.
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